LPH Online Payment Options

Please click the button on the left to pay for library fines and fees. Please make sure the student name and description are accurate as to who you are paying for and what you are paying for. Please call Ms. Cheshire at LPH with any questions (863)-699-5010 ext. 287

Please click the button on the left to pay for Obligations. These may include but not be limited to Uniforms, Dual Enrollment Textbooks, Testing Charges, Damaged School Property, PE Locks etc. Please make sure the student name and description are accurate as to who you are paying for and what you are paying for. Please contact Ms. Redmon in the front office for more information. (863)699- 5010 ext. 200

Please click the button on the left to pay for lost or damaged Chromebooks and chargers. Please make sure the student name is the same as it appears in our Student Information System. Please call Mr. Irwin with any questions (863)699- 5010 ext. 400